Are Pastors Good Examples?

Roots and Fruits—Hillsong NYC, et. al.


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November 17, 2020

The social fallout coming by the rising divorce/marriage rate and illegitimacy rate is only now playing out, and will between 2020 and 2060. But, what about the pastors? Will the pastors be examples to the flock? Or do we see a capitulation on matters like sin, repentance, and the necessity of the fruit of righteousness in the lives of believers? What do these guys teach, and do ideas really have consequences in their lives? Jesus said, “By their fruits you shall know them.” Can we say this of the latest Hillsong debacle?  

About Your Host, Kevin Swanson

Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 70's, Kevin Swanson and his wife, Brenda, are now homeschooling their five children. Since graduating from his homeschool and then serving as student body president of a large west coast university, he has gone on to other leadership positions in corporate management, church, and other non-profits.