Is Christian literature that big of a deal?

July 18, 2016

Article By: Generations

Chad Roach: So we're here looking at the great Christian classics. And I think one of the questions for me, I didn't have this around when I went through high school, but when I went through high school we weren't reading this kind of stuff. In fact, we were reading pretty, pretty nasty stuff. We were reading the great humanist authors that have written their books over the last 200 years. And as I recall, it wasn't very Christian at all. Why is it that high school students, they don't read Christian authors?

Kevin Swanson: Well, if you want your child to be a good Muslim, you've got to be discipled by good Muslims. You've got to be sure you get the very best teachers to disciple your child. And the best writers are the best teachers. And if you want your child to be a great humanist, I mean the best of the atheists, the most self-conscious, the sharpest, the most intelligent of the atheists, set your kids at the feet of the very best of the atheists and the humanists. But if you want your children to be Christians, go find the best Christian teachers and the best Christian writers and set your kids at the feet of the greatest Christian teachers, the greatest Christian writers who have ever lived. That should make sense to everybody who's listening, but the problem is that doesn't happen. Now, why doesn't that happen? It doesn't happen because most education is highly synthesized with humanist ideas and humanist teachings. And liberal arts has been almost thoroughly perverted by this synthesis over the centuries, and most American parents aren't aware of this.

Kevin Swanson: If you had a choice between buying 10 books or 1,000 books, having your child read 10 good books or 1,000 schlocky books, just ordinary stuff that's probably not gonna last for more than a single printing, which would you choose? Would you want to go with the 10 or the 1,000? And I think the answer needs to be that we need to really focus on quality versus quantity. Be sure that our children get the best stuff and they go over it again and again and again and again. That will produce a much better education than just a superficial understanding of some of the most superficial stories and books that have been written over the last 10 years, say. So the way you find quality books is, it's really easy, you just find the books that have been printed 6,000 times over the last 2,000 years, and it's not...

Chad Roach: The ones that Christians have always said have been the best for a long, long time.

Kevin Swanson: They just keep coming back again and again. Now, of course there are the humanist classics and then the Christian classics. We would recommend that you prioritize the Christian classics first. Now, we're not saying that...

Chad Roach: If you wanna be a Christian? 

Kevin Swanson: Right. But we're not saying you don't look into other world views and develop a world views in conflict curriculum, which we have. But let's start with this, this is the core, this is where we start. Be sure your children get this first if you're a Christian. If you're a Muslim, give them Muslim stuff. If you're a humanist, give them humanist stuff. But if you're a Christian, let's start with the Christian classics. Now, if you are a humanist or a Muslim, talk to us later and we'll tell you why it's important for you to start back with what God said and the revelation that he gave to us.

About Generations

The vision of Generations (formerly Generations with Vision) is to pass on the faith to the next generation through the biblical family, discipleship, and education. We equip families and churches around the world through our daily radio programs, discipleship resources, the Christian Curriculum Project, and discipleship events and retreats.

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