Just when the establishment is pretty sure they've got the reset in place, it turns out they don't. Argentina shocks the world by elec...
This Thanksgiving we are thankful for God's providential interpositions and powerful workings throughout history. But, here are ten of...
The United States has taken concerted steps towards police-state type activities . . . especially in relation to the treatment of cons...
The death culture is rising year by year without respite. A full 80% of the post-Christian Dutch in the Netherlands are for docto...
There is a great irony here—that these nations that once brought Christianity into India and Muslim Sudan . . . in the 18th and ...
Big government has been let loose upon America . . . but now, Bidenomics has introduced flagrantly irresponsible government void of al...
The freedom of speech is increasingly precarious here and elsewhere around the world. More journalists were killed last year than ever...
The most intense persecution in the world, the most dangerous place in the world for Christians, is Nigeria. We catch up with Judd Sau...
The Cuban government has claimed ownership of all the children and made it a crime for Christian families to tell their kids about Jes...
Mass shootings have increased pretty substantially since the 1930s. As well, persecution of Christians has increased at least ten-fold...
Using a biblical metric, we take a look at the most financially prudent nations and the most financially imprudent nations in the worl...
After Kentucky, Kansas, and Montana, now the Ohio electorate has voted to kill babies at will. We compare the US Supreme Court de...
It's the American story of abuse, hypocrisy, and brokenness. And it's a story of healing, restoration, repentance, and reconciliation....
The Christian church has always respected the commandments of God, but the modern age has increasingly abandoned the commandments.&nbs...
Data is finally emerging on EV cars. At $17.33 per equivalent gallon of gasoline to power these monsters, this thing has turned i...
While a 74-year-old pro-life grandmother faces 11 years for trespassing on the grounds of an abortion-killing center, BLM protesters g...
Homeschooling growth provides some good things—more free market in education and release from the "matrix" for those who were fo...
At least 5 million Americans have Dementia, and about 50% of our fathers and mothers will have the disease by the time they reach 90 y...
After reviewing the heroes in the city of man, we contrast the heroes of faith in the 20th century, of whom the world is not worthy. K...
Almost half of Republicans and Democrats admit they would resort to violence to advance their agenda. Is the problem a slip in fa...
Hungary, Poland, and Russia are moving pro-life. But now, Western Europe is getting worse and worse. What gives? The UK labor party th...
Oregon has become a portrait of what a spiritually-bankrupt, burned-out, post-Christian blue state looks like. It's the worst sta...
Wars and rumors of wars are on the increase. For the year 2022, Uppsala University reports the highest number of wars in modern histor...
Here we interview Michael Phillips, editor of George MacDonald's materials and the author of a new book called "Endangered Virtues&nbs...
Man is always a moral creature, and yet what happens when Harvard University loses its moral compass? The compass is spinning out...
Italy, Sweden, and the US are the most tattooed nations on Earth. Now, 56% of women ages 18 to 29 and 53% of women ages 30 to 49 ...
Increasingly socialist nations are run by idealist young people and women . . . and women-led nations are almost exclusively Roman Cat...
Men and manhood have been increasingly targeted by the zeitgeist. Evangelical Christian men are accused of being oppressive patriarchs...
The number of witches in the US increased from 8,000 in 1990 to 340,000 in 2008, and exceeded 1.5 million in 2020. Halloween expenditu...
Streaming TV now runs a 95% to 5% ratio on mature to family friendly programming. Fifteen years ago, that was closer to a 45% to ...